TruDenta® Treatment Benefits

TruDenta is a revolutionary new treatment method that can actually make a visit to our Raleigh, NC office something that you will look forward to. TruDenta is designed as a treatment for multiple issues, and this simple method of care can actually give you an amazing long term improvement in your life.

TruDenta is a treatment that is precisely the opposite of a painful and difficult dental experience. In fact, there are no needles, no injections, no pain, and no potentially dangerous or addictive drugs when you have TruDenta treatment.

There are a number of different treatment benefits with TruDenta. While every patient may be unique and will enjoy benefits unique to their particular situation and condition, some of the most often seen treatment benefits of TruDenta include:

  • Improved sleep
  • Cessation of teeth grinding and teeth clenching
  • Reduction in snoring or even cessation of snoring
  • Reduction is painful muscles and sore muscles
  • Reduction in problems with joints in the jaw, including less popping and clicking
  • Reduction in chronic headaches, including migraine and tension headaches

The benefits of TruDenta are not just relegated to the physical ones, either. Many of our patients tell us how much they appreciate the fact that we are able to show them digital force imaging that illustrates the origins of their problems. We are also able to help educate you about your condition and your symptoms, and how to effectively manage them on your own. If you have any questions about TruDenta and how it can benefit you, please feel free to give us a call!

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