How can a dentist help alleviate my headaches?

At Weaver Dentistry, we understand that chronic headache problems are not necessarily a condition that’s all in your head. The source of this pain can often be traced back to Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD), which is a condition that affects one or both of the temporomandibular joints.

These joints work together to facilitate jaw movements needed for chewing and speaking. TMD can affect the TM joints, jaw muscles, and facial nerves when a person opens or closes the mouth.

Typical TMD symptoms include:

  • Headaches
  • Neck pain
  • Ear pain
  • Jaw tenderness
  • Jaw pain when chewing, biting, or yawning
  • Difficulty opening or closing the mouth
  • Sensitive teeth

More than 15 percent of adults nationwide suffer from chronic facial pain, and it is usually a direct symptom of TMD. It can occur as a result of arthritis, a dislocated or broken jaw, or having an improper bite. Overuse of jaw muscles, clenching teeth, or grinding teeth can cause symptoms to increase in severity. This means bad headaches and other forms of crippling facial pain.

Dealing with TMD-caused pain

If you suffer from chronic headaches, visiting our office can be the first step toward resolving these problems. Dr. Gregory Weaver can examine your face and jaw to provide a proper diagnosis. We will do everything from making a cast of your teeth to check your bite, to taking X-rays of your jaw and TM joints.

Dr. Gregory Weaver can recommend specific, non-surgical treatments for TMD-based headaches and facial pain. These treatments include:

  • Taking anti-inflammatory pain relievers
  • Applying heat packs to affected areas
  • Using relaxation techniques to reduce stress
  • Wearing a nightguard to prevent teeth grinding in your sleep

Most TMD symptoms will subside and eventually go away with proper treatment. We can prescribe a proper care routine for reducing TMD symptoms that will eliminate discomfort felt during normal activities like eating or talking. If TMD symptoms are too severe, we may recommend further treatment to correct teeth alignment, or surgery to realign the jaw.

The bottom line is that living with headaches is not necessary. A simple dental exam at our Raleigh, NC office can start you on the path to permanent pain relief. Contact us to schedule an appointment today!

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